Monday, February 9, 2009


Thanks to Mckmama for sponsoring the Not Me Monday.

I did NOT pull some type of muscle in my back on Tuesday. I did NOT still wind up fulfilling my pallbearer duties on the same day. I did NOT wish I was anywhere else.

I did NOT feel like Dr. House on Wednesday through Friday as my usually well filtered mind felt the need to tell things as it is on a too frequent home and at school. (I do not blame the back thing on this at all.)

I did NOT decide that in this state of mind it would be an excellent time to go play some poker with some friends from work. This was NOT the most awesome gift as Sneaky Momma did NOT let me off with quality 'me' time. I did NOT suck it up playing as poorly as I ever had...but I did NOT have such a good time, that the $17 was barely missed. (Has she mentioned I am a poker legend?) :)

I did NOT enjoy the moments I spent Sunday at the in laws as my Father in Law...or 'Pop' as we shall call him did NOT make his burgers and franks. I did NOT enjoy some important back healing time with the Eagles on the boombox and my poor injured back in his hot tub.

I do NOT dread Monday...I do NOT dread Monday...I do NOT Dread Monday...

It worked...NOT!!

Hope your Not mes for this week are GREAT ONES!!


-stephanie- said...

But at least your daughter got the "worms" out. (I read that on sneaky mama)

Elyse said...

I so do not dread Mondays either. Love your NMMs.

Mama SeWELL said...

Paging Dr. House!! Its good to say what you really think every once in awhile. I figured you had a thing for poker when I saw your grooms cake from SM's pictures.
Hope your dreaded Monday was not so bad!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

I'm so glad you were able to let loose and have a great time Saturday night. :) You sooooooooo deserved it after the week you had. I love you.